Monday, November 28, 2022

Fowl Weather Friends

People tell me that the Thistle Farm part of FPR&TF is self explanatory but where in the heck did Flying Pig Ranch really come from...


PIGS, I tell ya! Right here on the ranch...

Flying Pigs!  That's what they are, just flocks and hordes and swarms of flying pigs.  I fill the bird feeders everyday and now they are out there complaining that I haven't put out more fare today.

There are three kinds of Friends.

1. ) The cliche "fair weather friend" connotes one who sticks with you in the best of times.

2.) Conversely, a "Foul weather friend" is one who sticks with you through the bad times as well.

3.) Our Fowl Weather Friends

They were scarcely seen in September and October but when the real winter of November returns so do the Flying Pigs.  They couldn't be bothered to visit during the bounties of the fall harvest.  With morning temps at right around freezing the pigs are now flocking to the feeders.  Opportunists I tell you.  Flying Pigs!  Right here on the ranch ...

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