Go here and get your very own integer ... mine is
31 BF 4E FA 92 52 FC 29 92 27 34 19 E9 3E 8E 30
Open Society and Culture ...a CGI ant carrying a digital grain of rice...
Go here and get your very own integer ... mine is
31 BF 4E FA 92 52 FC 29 92 27 34 19 E9 3E 8E 30
Posted by
William Meloney
9:44 AM
Reaffirmed once again; I B Clueless!
While I cannot say that I liked the Microsoft product I did have a grudging admiration of the Microsoft Empire as a business entity. Until now...
At some point in your presentation billg will say “that’s the dumbest fucking idea I’ve heard since I’ve been at Microsoft.” He looks like he means it. However, since you knew he was going to say this, you can’t really let it faze you. Moreover, you can’t afford to look fazed; remember: he’s a bully.
“What do you disagree with, Bill?” you ask as assertively as you can. He tells you.
Microsoft Memories
Posted by
William Meloney
1:59 PM
Yesterday I wrote
Posted by
William Meloney
10:44 AM
From the play that I just finished directing, Picasso at the Lapin Agile, a high powered salesman, Charles Dabenow Schmendiman, claims to have had another great idea. "A tall pointy cap for dunces!"
So I tried one on an I had another great idea; I will take the freely offered Open Source code for say... something by Mozilla, how about Firefox. I will fully honor the spirit of the Open Source agreement and leave in all the tributes and adulations to the original authors. I will just slightly touch the source ... just enough so that instead of Fire it would be... PapaFox. Then I will release my version into the wild and wait for my share of the estimated $55 Million that Mozilla in enjoying.
So how come Mozilla isn't shaking in its boots over the prospect of PapaFox cutting so deeply into their revenue stream? Huh? Oh yeah, and where is my cut of that revenue stream - why aren't folks beating a path to my door? It is after all their product just slightly repackaged - "No difference."
Posted by
William Meloney
12:34 PM
Wirearchy offers a 7 stage plane for the US' involvement in Iraq...
Plan A - Attack
Plan B - Beat 'Em Up
Plan C - Clusterf*ck
Plan D - Denial
Plan E - Escalate
Plan F - Failure
Plan G - Get The Troops Out
Ya only left out a couple of points... The 'official offal plan' never went beyond "b"... And the Iraqi people saw right through the charade from the git go... Bush&Cheney never intended to leave so why bother to work up an exit strategy.
Posted by
William Meloney
12:25 PM
Dell and Novell sitting in a tree ChannelWeb Network (CRN Magazine) is reporting this morning...
Microsoft and Novell said Monday that Dell has become the first major system vendor to join their controversial technology and marketing alliance, agreeing to work with Microsoft to distribute SUSE Linux Enterprise Server certificates.I am guessing here but I bet that this is the 'deal' that Dell had to agree to in order to get out from under the MS thumb for offering PCs preloaded with... er, uh, ... Linux.
Posted by
William Meloney
8:17 AM