Sunday, August 23, 2009

Booting and rebooting

Got to the office at 07:30 this morning... Yeah, Sunday morning...

There is a certain quiet at that hour of the morning.  Not a real audible quiet but rather a people-less-ness.  The reduced number of people, even in a 24x7 facility, means that technologically speaking the network is as quiet as it will ever be.  Which makes it the best time to do maintenance on the Servers.  So for two luxurious hours I got to take my time and reboot Servers.

As with any system and particularly with Microsoft Servers rebooting them is a near-mystical exercise.  It is somewhat akin to killing a living a fragile, helpless entity and then hoping expecting demanding that it will come back to life all on its own.  Or at least be reincarnated into a doppleganger of its original self.  In any case there is a hold-your-breath moment.  Then the "lights" come back on and the Server's spirit has re-entered the hardware. 

Then ...*Sigh*... it is all good...again.

Posted via email from Pa^2 Patois

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