Sunday, August 03, 2008


The Immediacy of Dreams: The Convergence of Being and Meaning

No single light cuts through
an image of cacophony dreams
sibilant whispers
white-noise voices
continuous word picture
illusions drift shifting
disquieting unsilence
each desperate grasping
demanding the attention
of his moment

Empty the dishwasher
put away clean
to make room for those
cluttering the counter

Seeking measured order
in the mundane ritual
of daily dutiful chores
in his moment

Hashbrowns into a hot skillet
salt, pepper, a drizzle of olive oil
two eggs over easy in the
well seasoned cast iron

Push clear to one end of the
kitchen table the detritus of
this weeks bills, prescription
notes, bird books and the flyer
announcing imminent school
year functions

Thirsting for the release
of physical exertion
to quench the dream desires
in his moment

Set in that clear space the
steaming breakfast plate
toast on the side

Reflecting upon the
morning haiku
dew diamond pendants
in symmetric suspension
grace last night's cobwebs

so both fed and nourished
in his moment

Cross posted to 2Voices

I am going to vote for Barack Obama.
I am William "Papa" Meloney and I endorse this message.

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