Friday, April 18, 2008

Open Address

Vacationing on Fridays in April and May means that I get to spend some quality time on the Interweb. One stop is Friendfeed to palpate the insta-web pulse ... sure enough everyone still seems to be over-insta-stimulated with followers, invitations, noise, connections...and everything.

Here is the good news...

I am not going to "follow, invite or connect" you. Instead I am simply going to say, "I know where you live." If I want to read your stuff I will take it upon myself to find your work. If, on the other hand, you want to read my stuff - well, if you are here then you 'know where I live.'

Scribus Emptor (Writer Beware(?)) - If you scrawl insta-graphitti on the wall and someone comes along and scrawls over it... I may not get to see it. If you write on your own wall (blog) then I have a much a better chance of reading your work.

(Now forming...the committee to not re-elect Presidents Clinton)
I am William "Papa" Meloney and I endorse this message.

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