Thursday, February 28, 2008

Open Blatent Power Mongering GRAB!

Under the thin guise of an 'informative' site the Clinton's campaign is trying to usurp the popular vote by swaying super delegates to vote for "the candidate they believe is best qualified to be president."

I urge everyone to review "Delegate Hub" ( Paid for by Hillary Clinton for President ) and see for yourself what a desperate ploy this is to undermine the democratic process.

This "site" was brought to my attention by the excellent article Senator Clinton's "Million Little Pieces" moment


Which brings us to Senator Clinton. Faced with fears that she may be planning to ignore our votes, she has gone public with what we might call the Washington defense: "Of course I'm planning to ignore you if you don't vote for me, because I want to win. That's how it works. If I get elected by seating the bogus Florida and Michigan delegates, and convincing party members to vote for me no matter what you want, well, what's the big deal? As long as the process selects a candidate, what does it matter if it isn't the one most of you want?"

(Now forming...the committee to not re-elect Presidents Clinton)
I am William "Papa" Meloney and I endorse this message.

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