Saturday, October 11, 2008

Open Dept.of Justice, insert political pressure

Reported in TruthOut, Marilou Johanek responsibly reminds us that the economy is not the only story that we should be paying attention to...

Justice Department Scandal Almost Buried by Financial Crisis

by: Marilou Johanek, The Toledo Blade

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It was an overlooked bombshell in breaking news cycles preoccupied with financial crisis, rescue plans, presidential politics, and a vice-presidential debate.

But what the Justice Department's exhaustive investigation and blistering report concluded about the enormous damage done to the department through improper politicization is far more troubling than even Sarah Palin in disjointed attack mode.

Investigators from both the department's Office of Inspector General and Office of Professional Responsibility found that political pressure did indeed drive the dismissal action against at least three of the nine federal prosecutors abruptly fired. At the time, then-Attorney General Alberto Gonzales insisted the individuals were all dismissed for inadequate performance, or failure to implement the President's law enforcement agenda.

But it appears the longtime pal and adviser to President Bush was lying through his teeth. Turns out the real reason some of the top federal lawyers were removed from the job, according to the Justice Department report, was that either the U.S. attorneys had the audacity to prosecute Republicans or because they failed to aggressively prosecute Democrats.

I am going to vote for Barack Obama.
I am William "Papa" Meloney and I endorse this message.

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