Sunday, September 07, 2008

Open Noise, distraction and more NOISE

Executing the perfect political ploy John McCain has successfully introduced noise and distraction into an otherwise forgone conclusion of a presidential race. From the very moment of her theatrical introduction McCain's choice for a VP running mate has served to pull focus away from his short-comings. With one convenient PR brush stroke the American public is no longer worried about any of the real-life issues of the day. Mr. & Mrs. Joe and Jane Q. Public are now consumed with the tawdry details of Alaska's politico-soap opera starring an evangelical extremist and her family-values clan.

But wait, there's more ... I predict that the master of political wet-work will pull yet another grandiose theatrical rabbit out of the hat.

Imagine how the continuing discomfort of the Republicans grates on the party faithful. Imagine how this Alaskan albatross appears to continue the (Troopergate) slow (Bridge to Nowhere) death (Wasilla Pork Barrel) spiral of public opinion against McCain. Poor, poor put upon John.

Then, all of a sudden, Sara Palin has a change of heart. She claims she must honor God's plan, she must support family values and most of all she must uphold her sworn duty and responsibility to her beloved Alaska, she must, for the good of all Republicans everywhere, step aside.

Poor, poor John McCain. What is a fellow to do?

Quick, quick, have those signs printed that say "McCain & Lieberman". Rejoice, rejoice, the prodigal son returns.

Executing the perfect political ploy John McCain again successfully introduces MORE noise and MORE distraction into an otherwise forgone conclusion of a presidential race. From the very moment of his theatrical introduction McCain's choice for a VP running mate serves to pull focus away from his short-comings. With one convenient PR brush stroke the American public is no longer worried about any of the real-life issues of the day.

Republicans collectively heave a huge sigh of relief ...

[Ronnie Bennett: I apologize for not reading your link before going off on my rant - Palin as Political Distraction
From Sylvia Kirkwood of The View From Over the Hill : The Requirements of Liberty]

I am going to vote for Barack Obama.
I am William "Papa" Meloney and I endorse this message.

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