Monday, September 01, 2008

Open Green Jobs Opportunity

Excerpted from ...

It’s Getting Hot In Here

Dispatches from the Youth Climate Movement

Reporting from the Big Tent in Denver

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Oakland area activist
Van Jones wastes no time getting to the heart of how clean energy can be sold as a pragmatic solution in the current political climate, and he does so by tipping his hat to everyone’s favorite capitalist, Adam Smith.
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Van’s second great skill, as you may have gathered, is an oratorical eloquence that takes a somewhat stilted phrase- “green collar economy” – and keeps it lively until you’ve heard it out.
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Van concluded that the first political step is to acknowledge that “government today is on the side of the problem, providing tax credits to polluters, the Pentagon and the prison system- we need to incentive the problem solvers who use the wind and the sun.” There is nothing radical here. For those in the activist community who have felt beaten back for so long, know that you aren’t just on the side of social responsibility and justice. You’re also on the side of common sense, any way you spin it.

Green Jobs Now!

I am going to vote for Barack Obama.
I am William "Papa" Meloney and I endorse this message.

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