Sunday, April 25, 2010

So, there I was...

... ready to pounce when all of a sudden ... Granpa?  Are you listening?

Posted via email from Pa^2 Patois


  1. Yes, granpa. I noted your banner about "take back democracy". Have you read "The Education of Henry Adams." He was the grandson of John Quincy Adams and wrote a lot of History. He lived through the Civil War, died in 1918. He wrote this book in 1907 or thereabouts. He didn't have much use for politics, congress, etc. Times have not changed. Behooves us to think critically about our world, there are no easy answers.

  2. Dear Reading Up A Storm:
    "The Education of Henry Adams" is top of my list per your recommendation. I took a few minutes and reconnected the Second Superpower link. It seems that the actual essay keeps appearing and disappearing. So I found a copy and embedded it here at Pa^2 Patois.
    - Papa


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