Friday, May 16, 2008

Open Vacation with Ted

I am going to spend my vacation with Ted.

In the past I have had the luxury of vacationing by visiting with a group of very significant people. Artists, Theologians, Psychologists, Intellectuals, Philosophers, and Social Activists comprise a very challenging and stimulating non-work experience. Unfortunately this vacation my commitments locally prevent me from travel.

So I am staying home to spend time with Ted. I am going to let Ted challenge and stimulate me.

Here, let me introduce you to Ted.

I am going to vote for Barack Obama.
I am William "Papa" Meloney and I endorse this message.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Thanks so much for this. I had not heard of TED until now, but I just spent a half hour there and am hooked. Joined up and the whole bit...

    The last time I ran into a was back in the '80s. ted stood for tiny editor and was an improvement on the old line editor called edlin. If you remember that, you're an antique like me.

    Thanks again for TED...


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